Welcome to our Czech-hungarian alliement blog.

Welcome to our Czech-hungarian alliance blog.

You can find here various information about what we are through at school as well as many stories, experiences and impression from our staying in Denmark.

Hope you enjoy it.

Danish language with Jacob

Danish with Jacob (8.3.2011)
Hey everybody,
Another lesson of our Danish course starts again. Hope you are ready for another rich ration of new words, grammar and especially unbelievably difficult pronunciation which makes us so many difficulties.
Firstly few new phrases:
God morgen!                      -good morning
Hordun går det?               - how are you?
Godt, tak!                            - good, thank you
Ikke så godt!                      - not so good

En morgen                           -morning     
En formiddag                     - before noon
En middag                           -noon
En aftermiddag                 -afternoon

Days of the week are also very important for example if you want to have a date with a Danish boy it would be necessary to know what day your date is or stuff like that :-D :
mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lordag, sondag     
(= Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Our lesson continued with small exercise, to be more specific a writing. We were supposed to write few sentences about ourselves. So this is my one:
Jeg hedder Misha. Jeg kommer fra Czechia. Jeg studerer I Hradec Králové til Lorer. Jeg er 20 år gammel.
Jeg har en sØster. Min sØster hedder Adéla. Hun er 19 år gammel. Jeg bor min far og mor og sØster on lordag og on sondag. On mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, torsdag og fredag jeg bor I en lejlighed med en pige. Hun er Katka og hun er 22 år gammel. Vi går sometider pår café og på diskotek om tirsdag og torsdag.
I do not know if it is right or not because this is all can do now. ;-)

22.02. Danish
Yesterday we had the second danish lesson. We translated a text about Christine, who is a girl or I can say in danish -> Hun er en pige.
We learned some numbers.
1 - En
2 - To
3 - Tre
4 - Fire
5 - Fem
6 - Seks
7 - Syv
8 - Otte
9 - Ni
10 - Ti

The pronunciation is the biggest trial for me, but I'm really like the challenges and I'm look forward to the next danish lesson.

9.2.2011 Danish with Jacob and Comparative studies with Tove
Today, we had these two subjects. Now we all know, that Danish is pretty hard and that is why people here are so smart. They just have to be to even know how to speak..:-D
Jeg hedder Vítek Miler og jeg kommer fra...the Czech republic!

The comparative studies was an interesting subject mainly because we could listen the different opinions and expressions from one another across the countries we are from.

Copenhagen trip

One of our first trips is the Copenhagen!!!!!


We wish to visit the Tivoli gardens, because we have never seen anything like that. This would be a real adventure..:-)

Kronborg castle, Elsinore

The next place to go could be the Kronborga castle. It looks realy exciting from pictures, so i woud be amazing to see it for real.